are play teepees cultural appropriation

But as parents, we have to recognize that there are topics we aren’t knowledgeable about and then do our best to make sure that our children are knowledgeable about them. Whether their kids are wearing insensitive “Native princess” costumes (whatever that is—my people certainly had no monarchy) or performing careless Japanese tea ceremonies, anger is almost always the first and most powerful response that people have when you ask them to respect other cultures. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from disadvantaged minority cultures.. If you were thinking instead of hogans, yes, a manufactured plastic and nylon play hogan would most definitely be considered cultural appropriation. Cultural elements which may have deep meaning to the original culture can be reduced to “exotic” fashion by those from the dominant culture. 67% Upvoted. The festival, which is facing it’s own uphill struggle, is scheduled to be put on in late August. Toronto Star articles, please go to:, The Toronto Star and, each property of Toronto Star Some cultures are more religious; some value education more highly; some are more hierarchical, etc. You don’t need to ask for permission; after all, you think it’s pretty, and that’s appreciation, right? 0. presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution Teepees were the traditional dwellings for Plains aboriginal groups. When we got on the bus home, we went over symbols that were important to the Haudenosaunee culture. When we don’t have the meaning of the symbols we see and use, we can’t see and appreciate a culture’s full beauty. Everything we teach our children has implicit messages. Newspapers Limited, One Yonge Street, 4th floor, Toronto, ON, M5E 1E6. By Alicia Elliott This could either be very good or very bad. Are you really respecting them and their right to speak about their own culture? share. The person leading the project was non-Native. It is without question cultural appropriation. Why your white kid probably shouldn’t dress up as Moana for Halloween It’s very easy to dismiss cries of cultural appropriation and claim that it’s harmless. This was being respectful and honest. 0. There were a few things that made me particularly interested to see how this would go: My daughter, Eva, is Haudenosaunee and has no problem voicing her opinion, and there are no other Indigenous kids in her class. Cultural appropriation is adopting or using elements of one culture by members of another culture. And imagine that their parents and politicians back them up. What message was being sent to those kids when they were taught that Anishinaabe symbols were free for them to interpret in whatever way they saw fit? Judging by the art project, I couldn’t really tell. I think it’s not as simple as slapping “cultural appropriation” on it. Why not go … I’d never say that someone who has never had the misfortune of experiencing something awful like racism is a bad parent. The same people that called me “gross” and “ignorant” for having a play teepee I would bet have been guilty of elements of cultural appropriation themselves. I’ve had to witness the appropriation of my culture my whole life, and it’s far from harmless. Then she passed out a paper with a number of symbols on it, from lizards to fish to different symbols that looked like people. Why your white kid probably shouldn’t dress up as Moana for Halloween, My daughter is at risk because she’s Aboriginal and female. For the ethical traveler, cultural appropriation can, and should be, a weighing concern. How could these parents hang Indigenous symbols in their cars while their kids made fun of me for trying to celebrate my own Haudenosaunee culture? Or is an unrelated group or corporation selling this culture to me? Overcoming centuries of cultural appropriation may seem scary, but when you shift your focus to respect and consent instead of outrage, it gets much easier. These differences should not be judged, any more than we should judge somebody for their height or the amount of freckles on their face. “It represents a history, it represents a home, it represents a dwelling where families came together over the fire,” she said. Everyone makes mistakes. There is no shame in that—that’s honesty, and that’s admirable. She was right. .related-article-block{display:inline-block;width:300px;padding:.5rem;margin-left:.5rem;float:right;border:1px solid #ccc}@media (max-width: 525px){.related-article-block{float:none;display:block;width:280px;margin:0 auto 2rem}} I recently volunteered to accompany my daughter’s fifth-grade class on a field trip to a conservatory. Walmart’s website has multiple offerings, including an indoor/outdoor one that’s “large enough for the entire tribe.”. Let me draw an analogy for you: One of the most important honours that can be bestowed on a Canadian is the Victoria Cross. hide. When I asked her if she was OK, she complained that the project was stupid. Where did they get their information from? The teepees are made with maple poles and coated canvas, and depending on the size, sell for $325 to $575. Then, the story goes, because all cultures are essentially equal, any differences in the socio-economic status … “It hasn’t really been this trendy to have native-inspired anything since the ’70s.”. Eagle-eyed readers Andrea, Laura, and Mieko spotted these “adorable” tipi’s all over tumblr last week. So far they have sold nine, they said. “Couldn’t be Parkdale forts/something less racist?” wrote one Twitter user with the name Erin Styles. St. Joseph Communications uses cookies for personalization, to customize its online advertisements, and for other purposes. Close. Those whose cultures are appropriated often have the added trauma of being treated poorly by society at large. She finds it more upsetting when items like feathered headdresses are sold as accessories — as they were at H&M last year — because they are sacred ceremonial objects. But now that I’m older, I’m starting to understand. “It was never our intention to offend, hurt people, or make anyone angry,” their statement said. The newest accessory for your already perfect nursery? They’d be happy that she didn’t want to assume what their symbols meant or use them without asking first. save. When I was a child, I was shamed for both having a Native father and wearing moccasins by kids whose parents hung Made in China dreamcatchers on their rear-view mirrors. In fact, everyone involved in this program was non-Native, which means that there was already a barrier to these kids getting accurate information about Indigenous cultures. Appropriation can loosely be seen as the adoption of cultural expressions or artifacts from someone else’s culture and not your own. And it’s an odd reaction. Cultural appropriation is one of those terms that has become almost vulgar to those who are over political correctness and feel like you ‘just can’t say anything anymore’. Lighter Side! Soon their friends started placing orders for their own, so they started the company and set up a website two weeks ago. Wouldn’t that upset you? But critics say turning teepees into furniture is just one more example of cultural appropriation, taking a famous symbol of aboriginal culture and stripping it … Things like teepees and dreamcatchers aren’t revered in the same way, she said. Or are you just offended that they finally stood up and told you “no”? In cultural appropriation, design, teepee, tent, tipi by Adrienne K. April 5, 2011 21 Comments. After all, your kids like something and they’re too young to have bad intentions, so who is it harming? I said nothing because I didn’t want to ruin the kids’ fun, but I could tell that Eva was upset. posted by yohko at 10:04 PM on December 14 [ 2 favorites] Nthing everyone else that it's probably not the best idea. In Article. The cone-shaped tents were made from bison skins wrapped around long wooden poles and often large enough to house several families, according to The Canadian Encyclopedia. Posted May 25, 2016. There is no reference to the First Nations origins of teepees on the website. . They’re “where the stylish 7-year-old has play dates and story time,” the Wall Street Journal wrote, noting that celebrities such as Nicole Richie and Miley Cyrus had them. Is it cultural appropriation to buy my child a play 'teepee'? It didn’t make sense. HomeSense makes a miniature version for dogs. Teepees, or tipis, are a real cultural object used as dwellings by several Native Nations, including the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota. Wendigos, teepees and cultural appropriation. Whether their kids are wearing insensitive “Native princess” costumes (whatever that is—my people certainly had no monarchy) or performing careless Japanese tea ceremonies, anger is almost always the first and most powerful response that people have when you ask them to respect other cultures. A tipi of course! I’m going to take a liberty here and say that based on my studies of Dr. Montessori’s work, she would have been much more concerned about the horrified reaction from the Indigenous community than in favor of the tipi’s use as a play tent for the child. People everywhere start wearing this symbol without any knowledge or concern for the specific cultural meaning it holds, the honour it’s meant to bestow upon its wearer or the pride it represents. expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Toronto Alistair Leyland and Mary Ratcliffe started the Parkdale Teepee Company after building a teepee for themselves at home. Again, do they even know what the holiday represents or just using it as a reason to party and drink beer? Adrienne K., from the excellent blog Native Appropriations, recently appeared on the Al Jazeera English show The Stream to discuss issues of cultural appropriation of Native American cultures in fashion and home decor, sports mascots, and so on. 29 comments. When we don’t have the meaning of the symbols we see and use, we can’t see and appreciate a culture’s full beauty. In that community, teepees are still set up at powwows and other important ceremonies, she said. My daughter is at risk because she’s Aboriginal and female. When interior design companies sell them, she added, “it’s not being used as a tool to educate children about what First Nations culture is. They decided on a teepee after seeing them in other shops. This was being a good friend. . By staff. She launched last fall as an Etsy-style marketplace for aboriginal artisans from across Canada and the U.S. Why are parents so defensive about play teepees? When it comes to cultural appropriation, the entertainment companies are the ones to blame, according to Jennifer Gabriel, author of Korean culture blog … Cultural appropriation occurs when a person from one cultural adopts the fashion, iconography, trends, or styles from another culture. A new Toronto business, the Parkdale Teepee Company, has been the target of social media ire this week. Instead of explaining what the symbols meant to Morrisseau’s Anishinaabe culture, she asked the kids what they thought these symbols represented. It may seem hard, but I assure you that kids are able to understand these things. But critics say turning teepees into furniture is just one more example of cultural appropriation, taking a famous symbol of aboriginal culture and stripping it of all context before selling it. November 20, 2017. Indians Upset at Cultural Appropriation of TeePees. Parents don’t want to hear that they’re teaching their kids the wrong thing—this implies that they’re bad parents. Is someone from this culture choosing to share their culture with me? There is no faster way to ruffle feathers than to accuse someone of cultural appropriation. question, in particular, has sprouted annually ahead of Halloween costume season in recent years. But is telling a group of people to shut up about how you’re using their culture ever harmless? White parents: Here’s how to (and how not to) talk to your kids about racism When this is done, the imitator, “who does not experience that oppression is able to ‘play,’ temporarily, an ‘exotic’ other, without experiencing any of the daily discriminations faced by other cultures.” Overcoming centuries of cultural appropriation may seem scary, but when you reframe your thinking to focus on respect and consent instead of immediate outrage, it all becomes much easier. “Indigenous artisans, they put so much of themselves into everything that they create. As spoken about in my Gender and Sexuality class… They were and are real homes for real people and continue to be used ceremonially by many of these tribes too as they hold onto their traditional ways that … How did that teach them anything about the Anishinaabe or their culture? This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. I told her that the Anishinaabe were not our people and their symbols weren’t ours, but they were our friends. It was running a program aimed at teaching students about First Nations history. If we really appreciate these cultures, we need to respect the actual people who have upheld and nurtured them for centuries. Can’t kids just have fun? I read some stuff yesterday saying that teepees are cultural appropriation and there was a long post about how wendigos aren’t cryptids and how stories about them are cultural appropriation. Instead of taking them off and apologizing, these kids tell you that you’re wrong: that they’re actually “honouring” Canada by wearing them. If people want to bring elements of indigenous culture into their homes, Abbey said, she hopes they will consider pieces made by indigenous artists. Why were we using another culture’s symbols for whatever we wanted? Now imagine asking these kids not to wear those replica Victoria Cross medals like that, painstakingly explaining to them what they mean to Canada and how that use is disrespectful. That’s what I did with my daughter. ‘Cultural appropriation is defined as a “sociological concept which views the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon”. We need to respect their right to say no and share their culture on their own, more meaningful terms. Cultural appropriation musings aside, teepees are inspiring structures that deserve applause for their ingenious design. Our intention was simply to provide a Canadian-made, well-crafted product that provides fun, creative spaces for people regardless of race, gender or age.”. Some have questioned whether they are, in fact a cultural appropriation of a Native American home. Subscribe to our daily newsletter! They didn’t earn those medals, and they don’t care what they mean to Canadians—they just think they look cool. All Republication or distribution of this content is Instead, we : 11. As much as I appreciate those teachers wanting to include Indigenous culture in their curriculum, we need to consider how we’re teaching our kids about other cultures and what exactly we’re teaching them. Michael Byron ... Airbnb apologized this week after being accused of committing an act of cultural appropriation stemming from an ad for a weekend rental property in California consisting of a ‘Sioux-style’ teepee. Overcoming centuries of cultural appropriation may seem scary, but when you shift your focus to respect and consent instead of outrage, it gets much easier. Toronto’s Lisa Charleyboy, the founder and editor-in-chief of Urban Native Magazine, said she doesn’t see designer teepees as a pressing concern, as long as kids aren’t using them to play Cowboys and Indians. Mahjong, the centuries-old Chinese tile game, became embroiled in controversy last week over a debate about cultural appropriation. permissions/licensing, please go to: It felt as though Indigenous cultures were free for the picking—a pretty quaint grab bag that you could reach into and steal from whenever you wished. “There are people out there working to preserve our rich history and culture,” Abbey said. So how do we explain something this complicated to our kids? High-end décor chains such as Elte, Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware sell them for hundreds of dollars. “I think that we’re going through this period where native-inspired design is really fascinating and interesting for a lot of people,” said Charleyboy, who studied fashion at Ryerson University. Who did they consult? It should make you reflective and, hopefully, remorseful. Examples of cultural appropriation are everywhere you look in pop culture, fashion, and even food.The "is it appropriation, or appreciation?" Recently, I saw a member of a Facebook photography group called Fire and Ice Photography Society, post this photo, asking if it was a child role play or cultural appropriation. Raising kids I saw these cloth “teepees” (they were called tents, though) about during the playdate toddler years. Not having any experience with this rather complicated situation undoubtedly makes it harder to empathize, particularly when it comes to parenting. To order copies of “I do see how it can be problematic, but I think how problematic it is really depends on the kids and the parents.” I agree. That’s OK. I just feel like there’s a lot of blurred lines and hypocrisy. There is no faster way to ruffle feathers than to accuse someone of cultural appropriation. Now, of course no one wants to hear that they’re letting their kids do something wrong, culturally insensitive or harmful. People become immediately defensive when presented with the fact that getting a dreamcatcher tattoo may not be … The same people that called me “gross” and “ignorant” for having a play teepee I would bet have been guilty of elements of cultural appropriation themselves. She agreed with every interpretation, offered no clarification on the importance of these symbols to the Anishinaabe and invited the kids to pick symbols from the paper that they related to and draw them to represent themselves. 2. It’s awarded to a member of the Canadian Forces who shows “conspicuous bravery, daring or pre-eminent acts of valour, self-sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.” Imagine if a bunch of American teenagers decide that they like the look of the Canadian Victoria Cross and buy replica medals and pin them on their shirts while they party at Coachella. Nov 28, 2017 - Overcoming centuries of cultural appropriation may seem scary, but when you shift your focus to respect and consent instead of outrage, it gets much easier. But what could you do to stop it, other than ask them to stop appropriating your culture? rights reserved. We actually see this regularly in our generation. By the excitement in her eyes and the eagerness with which she asked questions, it was easy to see what cultural appropriation always misses. Star Newspapers Limited and/or its licensors. Read more: The obsessions and ideas that kids get can be used to educate them. .newsletter-signup-widget{display:inline-block;width:300px;padding:0.5rem;margin-left:0.5rem;float:right;border:1px solid #ccc}@media (max-width: 525px){.newsletter-signup-widget{float:none;display:block;width:280px;margin:0 auto 2rem}} It’s just something that’s trendy at the moment.”. Nevertheless, teepees have become common in many homes around the world as a space for children to play … In fact, I’d encourage you to admit to your children that you don’t know everything about other cultures and are still learning as well. I’m just struggling to understand the significance of it. It has meaning to us.”, Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Or even worse, you’re just a big corporation looking to make a quick buck. Criticism erupted online over … Is it cultural appropriation to buy my child a play 'teepee'? One of the planned activities was an art project. But this isn’t just fun and games; there are real, tangible consequences to perpetuating stereotypes and robbing significant cultural touchstones of their meaning. Abbey is from Little Pine First Nation in Saskatchewan. “We wanted to build an interior structure that would provide a bit of privacy in an otherwise open-concept living space,” they said in an emailed statement. “We are a small company employing two local seamstresses and suppliers to make our product. report. The problem with conversations on cultural appropriation is that those who get accused of it usually haven’t experienced having their own culture stolen, misrepresented and used in disrespectful ways. After all, finding out that you’re hurting someone, especially unintentionally, shouldn’t immediately make you angry at the person you’ve hurt. They come in solid colours and neutral patterns. Now imagine companies all over the world rushing to produce fake Victoria Cross medals to meet this new, though disrespectful, demand. Here are some eclectic ideas for incorporating these cool conical tents. She had no idea what those symbols really meant, so she couldn’t relate to them. We’re not just going to throw up something that resembles a tent and sell it for $89.99. It already has more than 100 sellers. Cultural appropriation, Lana Shelley and raising a Jewish dog! Posted by 2 months ago. Heather Abbey did a double-take when she first came across photos on Pinterest of miniature teepees decorating children’s bedrooms. The woman in charge spoke a little bit about Norval Morrisseau and told the class he used symbols from his culture in his art. The first abstraction error goes like this: This concept is applied across the board. Instead, we have to naively believe that the dull, distorted glimmer we can buy on Amazon is the same thing, but it never is. Michael Byron May 31, 2017. But Charleyboy also acknowledges that appropriation is often in the eye of the beholder: her Tsilhqot’in ancestors in British Columbia didn’t build teepees so she doesn’t have a personal connection with them. “To be honest, I was surprised the first time I saw them,” said Abbey, a Plains Cree entrepreneur. Cultural appropriation is when a tradition, such as clothing or a hairstyle, is taken from a culture and used in a different way. A select group of Native Americans are not too happy about the upcoming hipster, music festival Paloozachella. Again, do they even know what the holiday represents or just using it as a reason to party and drink beer? If money – and space – are no object, consider this grand-scale, modernist shelter. I recently had a friend – a nice white lady I’ve known for years – ask me whether buying moccasins for her infant son would be considered cultural appropriation, and therefore offensive. Or, as I say, it’s picking and choosing which parts of a culture you want to participate in, often reducing significant cultural wear or styles to fashion statements. Rightly or wrongly, there have been some criticisms of teepees for ignoring their traditional routes. Those symbols meant nothing to her because they weren’t from our Haudenosaunee culture. “I think teepees are interesting and beautiful and I can understand why people want that,” she said. The same people that called me “gross” and “ignorant” for having a play teepee I would bet have been guilty of elements of cultural appropriation themselves.So just looking for some perspective. I just feel like there’s a lot of blurred lines and hypocrisy. This theme was played out multiple times over my childhood. If people from a particular culture are asking you not to use a symbol you don’t understand and your response is to ignore this simple request—all while claiming that misusing their symbol is actually “honouring” them—are you honouring them? Cultural appropriation is the adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. I think where this goes wrong is when you strip it of all its cultural meaning and simply do so because you “want to”. © Copyright 2021 St. Joseph Communications. “Then I realized they’re all over Etsy, they’re huge in New York, they’re huge in Toronto.”, Teepees are officially trending in the world of interior design. . There's a really fine line between imaginative play, where we try on a life or culture unfamilier to us, and cultural appropriation, where we take bits and pieces of another culture without being respectful of the whole. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about To order The discussion around it has also been unfolding on social media for years, with a heightening frenzy. “Native Americans” Accuse Teepee Rental Business of Cultural Appropriation. Implies that they ’ re not just going to throw up something that resembles a tent and sell it $. Are a small Company employing two local seamstresses and suppliers to make a buck. No reference to the first abstraction error goes like this: this is! Intentions, so who is it cultural appropriation prior written consent of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited and/or its.! Make you reflective and, hopefully, remorseful uses cookies for personalization, to customize its advertisements... 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are play teepees cultural appropriation 2021